Theology of Marriage and Family
The Church’s mission today urgently calls for theology to integrate its reflection on the relationship between spouses with a more concrete anthropology of the family Condition, attentive to grasping the capacity of family bonds to act in favour of the faith community, the civil society, and the human coexistence.
At the end of the two years of study, graduates will have acquired:
- A consolidated knowledge of methodologies necessary to address the study of the family in the social and institutional complexities that define it and in its multiple cultural, political and religious implications.
- In-depth knowledge of the active, establishing and transformative role of families in the context of religions, as well as the historical transformations and socio-anthropological changes affecting it (kinship structures, educational and parenting, gender issues).
- Advanced skills in interdisciplinary study and transdisciplinary research on the family, with emphasis on dialogue between theology, the humanities and social sciences.
The Doctoral School has the mission of enabling and fostering research as a common endeavour and as a journey undertaken together, in a dynamic of mutual learning and of embracing the different perspectives that enrich academic life. It fosters the specialization and transdisciplinary training of those who want to deal with family realities at the highest academic, research and teaching level.
DOCTORATE in Theology of Marriage and Family (STD)