Today and Tomorrow. Immagining Theology. For an Epistemological Refounding (5th May 2021 – 3.00pm)

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the foundation of the John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute, the Gaudium et Spes Chair, offers a three-part discussion on the present and future of theology: “Today and Tomorrow. Imagining Theology”. The task of “imagining” the knowledge of faith has been indicated on several occasions by the magisterium of Pope Francis. In Veritatis Gaudium he recalled not only the original and indispensable missionary thrust of theology, but also highlighted characteristics that open horizons, times, ways and places to honor, with creative fidelity, the duty to explain the reasons for the hope that quivers in the baptized. Theology, too, must contribute, in its own way, to the human fraternity of which Christianity is a sacrament. The discussion, moderated by Lucia Vantini, will be attended by three emblematic figures of contemporary theology: Christoph Theobald, Elmar Salmann and Pierangelo Sequeri. The solidity, ecclesial and cultural sensitivity that distinguishes their work promises a space where one can read the present and imagine the theological future, despite everything, with the joy of the Gospel.

The meeting, scheduled at the JP2 Institute on Wednesday, May 5 at 3:00 p.m. (CEST), will be broadcast live on YouTube and Facebook in Italian, English and French.

S.E. Mons. Vincenzo PAGLIA, Grand Chancellor

Theology and the Magisterium from the Second Vatican Council to Today: Experiences of Reciprocity and Possibilities for the Future
Prof. Christoph THEOBALD, Centre Sèvres, Paris

Accompanying the metamorphoses of the religious imagination. The theological events in the past sixty years
Prof. Elmar SALMANN, Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo, Rome

The ecclesial and the public image of the knowledge of faith: bastions to be razed or bridges to be built?
Prof. Pierangelo SEQUERI, Pontificio Istituto Teologico Giovanni Paolo II, Rome

Prof. Lucia VANTINI, University of Verona


Attendance in presence is allowed in accordance with anti-Covid measures with mandatory reservation made by writing to:

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Pontificio Istituto Teologico Giovanni Paolo II