FOUR SIMPLE STEPS to enroll in the Pontifical John Paul II Institute

  1. Fill the pre-registration online

  2. Prepare all necessary documents

  3. Prepare the study plan together with the Director of Studies

  4. Send all documents to the Secretariat



B. Prepare the DOCUMENTS to be presented (ENROLLMENT starts in June):

  1. Online pre-registration
  2. Identity card or passport (with entry visa in Italy for students from countries subject to the issuance of the entry visa)
  3. High school diploma valid for admission to university in the country of origin
  4. Qualification required for the program to be followed:
    1. For the Licentiate in Theology of Marriage and the Family: Baccalaureate in Theology (STB) at least with the qualification cum laude.
    2. For the Licentiate in Marriage and Family Sciences: Baccalaureate issued by an ecclesiastical faculty or a Higher Institute approved by the Holy See, or those who have a civil degree of first cycle at least three years.
    3. For the Doctorate: Licentiate in Theology of Marriage and Family (STL) or in Sciences on Marriage and Family, at least with the qualification of magna cum laude. If, in the judgment of the President of the Pontifical Institute, the formation of students who have obtained a degree of licentiate in another Faculty or Institute is insufficient, it must be completed with courses chosen by the President .
    4. For the annual Diploma of Expert in Marriage and Family Sciences: high school degree valid for access to university in the country of origin.
    5. For the Master’s in Bioethics and Education: a specialized university degree.
  5. Letter of presentation: by the parish priest, for the laity; by the Ecclesiastical Superior, for priests and religious.
  6. Two passport-size photographs
  7. Certificate of knowledge of the Italian language (for non-Italian students)
  8. Receipt of payment of academic fees
  9. Other possible certificates of knowledge of languages


C. Prepare the STUDY PLAN together with the Director of Studies.

To complete your study plan, you must first ask for an appointment with the Director of Studies, Prof. Vincenzo ROSITO (appointments via e-mail: rosito@istitutogp2.it from September 1, 2021).

For this appointment you must send in advance to Prof. Rosito:

  • Proposal of the plan of studies corresponding to the chosen program (see the page reserved for each program, where you can find the plan of studies, the description of the courses, the timetable of the lessons and the modules for choosing the plan of studies).
  • Certificate of previous studies
    a. Baccalaureate in Theology (STB) at least cum laude, for enrolment in the Licentiate in Theology
    b. Licentiate in Theology (STL) at least magna cum laude, for enrollment in the Doctorate in Theology
    c. Degree of at least three years, for enrolment in SMF Licentiate
    d. Licentiate in SMF at least magna cum laude, for the registration to the Doctorate in SMF


D. Send all documents to the SECRETARIAT

In order to finalize the registration, you must send to the Secretariat all the documents necessary for the registration, in advance by e-mail to the following addresses:

  • teologia@istitutogp2.it (for Doctorate and Licentiate programs in Theology)
  • scienze@istitutogp2.it (for Doctorate and Licentiate programs in Marriage and Family Science)

Some of the documents (see point 1) must then be sent to the Secretariat in original (Enrolment form; certificate of previous studies; presentation letter; language certificates) and in certified copy (identity card or passport, entry visa to Italy, high school diploma).

Address for shipping:
Pontifical Theological Institute John Paul II
Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano 4
00120 Vatican City