The John Paul II Institute relauches the challenge. Last days for registration
To bring the studies on marriage and the family out of a closed laboratory that reduces them to one of the many chapters of the Catholic doctrine and morals, to rediscover the central role in the human society and in the experience of faith, we should think of a renewed family-friendly theology which, by accepting the solicitations of Amoris Laetitia, is capable of intercepting the concrete life of parents and children, also redefining the profile of family ministry.
These are the challenges launched by the John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences with the courses of the academic year 2020-2021, which start on 5 October and for which enrollments are still open.
Following the indications of the Congregation for Catholic Education, the Institute is preparing to ensure the regular conduct of teaching activities in presence, in compliance with the indications and instructions of the Authorities, regarding safety of people and environment in the context of the current sanitary situation.
However, in view of prolongation of the CoVid-19 emergency, the Institute will maintain activities during the academic year 2020-2021 also through distance learning, online discussion of theses, as well as with the possibility of taking exams on-line, to assist those who, for proven reasons, cannot be physically present in Rome.
The GP2 offers master’s and doctorate degrees in both theological-pastoral and anthropological-cultural fields, allowing to customize your study plan taking into account a training curriculum (referring, for example, to duties and teaching assignments at the university, skills and previous qualifications) allowing, with equal scientific and educational objectivity, flexibility and optimization of the courses.
Furthermore, there are also other, more specific pastoral and social destinations, professional diploma courses in the areas of spiritual guidance, pastoral counseling, family mediation, and similar.
The programs offered this year by the Institute include: degree in Theology of Marriage and the Family, degree in Marriage and Family Sciences, the Doctorate in Theology / Marriage and Family Sciences, the Annual Diploma of Expert in Marriage and Family Sciences, and the Master in Bioethics and Education.
For the degree in Theology, it is required to have a bachelor’s degree in Theology, while for the degree in Marriage Sciences any university degree certifying completed at least three years of studies.
For a Doctorate, it is required to have at least a degree in Theology or Science at least with magna cum laude. Finally, for a Diploma, it is required to have a certificate of completing a five-year secondary/high school.
The John Paul II Institute was founded by Pope Wojtyla in 1981 and reformed in 2017 by Pope Francis, with the letter Summa Familae Cura. Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia is the Grand Chancellor, whereas Pierangelo Sequeri is the Dean.
There are many new courses offered. Details and information regarding on enrollments can be found at the website and in the secretariat.