Diploma in Marriage and the Family Sciences
“The welfare of the family is decisive for the future of the world and that of the Church…. We do well to focus on concrete realities, since ‘the calls and the demands of the Spirit resound in the events of history’, and through these the Church can also be guided to a more profound understanding of the inexhaustible mystery of marriage and the family”
Pope Francis, Summa familiae cura
The Diploma in Marriage and Family Sciences is intended primarily for those who wish to acquire basic Christian and professional training in the field of family accompaniment. It is particularly suitable for those who hold organizational and pastoral positions in the areas of marriage, family, education, and care of the elderly or persons with disabilities.
The Diploma integrates a basic Christian and professional training with the acquisition of specific skills useful for the performance of functions of qualified collaboration and/or pastoral services related to marriage, family, education (family counseling centers, diocesan institutions, parish communities, family groups, educational institutions). These courses are also aimed at professionals who through law, communication, and health care come into contact with concrete stories of families.
The interest of this “short program” lies precisely in the fact that it is carried out in the context of an academic institution of high specialization, with the contribution of professors and the availability of services that are hardly available in the normal training courses, even of university type.
Annual Diploma of Expert in Marriage and Family Sciences
- Duration: 1 academic year (60 ECTS).
- Admission requirement: high school diploma valid for university entrance in the country of origin.
For further INFORMATION:
Dott.ssa Susanna BEFANI
Tel.: +39 06 698 95 535
Fax: (+39) 06 698 86 103