1) Admission to the Annual Diploma
Those who are in possession of a high school diploma valid for access to university in their country of origin may enrol at the Institute for the Annual Diploma as ordinary students.
2) Scheduling of Studies
The annual Diploma of Expert in Sciences of Marriage and the Family lasts one year and is divided into two semesters for a total of 60 credits (ECTS).
In addition to the lessons, there are various exercises with which the students complete their scientific training and learn, under the guidance of the professors, to propose in writing what they have learned from the study.
In order to obtain the diploma, the student must attend and pass the exams of all the required disciplines and submit a written dissertation. It is the task of the Council of the Central See to establish every year a suitable number of courses and seminars for the achievement of the final diploma.
Students must attend seminars and courses, passing the exams, for a total of 60 ECTS distributed as follows:
- 42 ECTS for the fundamental courses indicated in the JPII Statutes.
- 12 ECTS for optional courses and seminars chosen by the
- 6 ECTS for the final dissertation.
3) Achievement of the Diploma
After passing the exams of the courses and seminars and obtaining a positive evaluation of the dissertation, the student acquires the title of Annual Diploma of Expert in Sciences of Marriage and the Family which does not constitute a canonical degree. The student enrolled in the Diploma is given an overall final grade on all special courses and seminars.
For further INFORMATION:
Dott.ssa Susanna BEFANI
Tel.: +39 06 698 95 535
Fax: (+39) 06 698 86 103